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Are Prebuilt Gaming PCs worth it?

June 6, 2022 | By Anthony

The question both enthusiasts and newbies are caught asking – are prebuilt gaming PCs worth it? While the answer can be complex and confusing, it can also be accurately summed up in two words. It depends. Prebuilt PC prices have gradually decreased over time. While it was once significantly more expensive to purchase a PC manufacturers put together for users, most modern manufacturers have caught onto the fact their target market is both savvier, and more knowledgeable. That and these days, everybody is looking for the next big deal.

One common way of determining the “worth” of a PC is to do a direct comparison. How much are you paying for the prebuilt PC, versus building it yourself with the same components? While many PC manufacturers have recently done a good job of matching those prices, it still comes at a cost. What isn’t apparent is the quality of components. Outside of the primary pieces (CPU and GPU), many businesses do their best to cut down on prices by using lower quality components. While the differences might not always be visible, there are huge risks to going cheap on other parts. A bad power supply can do irreparable damage. Failing hard drives can cause your PC to overheat, or a loss of important files via data corruption.

With ORIGIN PC systems, you’re not only buying an award winning system. You’re purchasing lifetime US-based 24/7 support, and a promise of only the best performance. Our systems are built with only top-grade parts to ensure powerful and stable performance. We currently offer systems built with up to an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU, Intel Core i9-12900K processor, and more.

Check out our line of next-gen prebuilt gaming PCs: Ready-To-Ship Desktops

Learn more about our financing options, including a 12-month same as cash interest-free option when paid back within a 12 month period: ORIGIN PC Financing

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