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Great Games to Play on Your ORIGIN PC

October 21, 2015 | By Anthony

r6siege036_agnostic_bxsht_2d-pegiWhen you buy any of the ORIGIN PC custom computers, you know your system will be on the cutting edge of modern technology, ready to take on practically any game or productivity software you throw at it.  Speaking of gaming, there truly is nothing quite like cranking up the settings to maximum on some of your favorite current and classic games and getting lost in the rich worlds while admiring details that may be overlooked on a less powerful PC.  In our Gearshop, we currently sell several software titles that will run flawlessly on any of our high-end computers.  Let’s take a look at a few.

When it comes to first person shooters, arguably no series comes close to matching the competitiveness and intensity of the Call of Duty series.  In Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, your firefights become incredibly intense as bullets whizz by you in fine detail.

If you’re an RPG fan and haven’t played The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, you’re missing out on one of the most critically lauded and visually captivating games of 2011.  It may be an older title, but few game worlds are as sprawlingly large, detailed and alive as the one in this game.  Playing the legendary edition on an ORIGIN PC means you can marvel at all the tiny details, from the scales on a fierce dragon to the mountainous topography in the distance as you explore and complete the numerous quests available in the world.

Grand Theft Auto V, released earlier this year for PC brings Southern California and Los Angeles to incredibly realistic life.  You might find yourself admiring the enormous world as you steal vehicles and take down your enemies as one of three playable characters.

These games are only a few of the many titles sold in the ORIGIN PC Gearshop.  You can also purchase classic titles like Diablo III, SimCity, StarCraft II, Titanfall, and World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor.  Call 1-877-674-4460 to speak with an ORIGIN PC representative or for more information about our many desktops and laptops available for gaming, like the well reviewed EON17-X Gaming Laptop.

Millennium Gaming PC