Origin PC Is Ready for Kaby Lake
January 10, 2017 | By Anthony
Announced last year and officially launched last week, Intel’s seventh generation “Kaby Lake” processor is the successor to its “Skylake” processor. Notably, it is the first platform that does not come with official support for older versions of Windows. Although these new processors don’t feature blisteringly huge differences in raw speed when compared to Skylake, avid users looking to get the most out of their gaming computers will be pleased to know Kaby Lake significantly delivers in overclocking. As our customers have come to expect, Origin PC is taking full advantage of the new and improved capabilities.
If you’ve ever purchased one of our computers, you may have noticed or even purchased our overclocking option. With the introduction of the Kaby Lake processors, we are in a great position to deliver even more incredible performance for enthusiasts by potentially going over the 5GHz barrier, a feat not seen since the Sandy Bridge processors. With Kaby Lake, you can achieve up to 20% better performance when using intensive VR applications or experiencing 4K.
You can read a little more about how our professional overclocking can help you get even bang for your buck in our computers like the GENESIS Gaming Desktop by checking out the PCWorld article available here.
If you would like additional information on ORIGIN PC’s line of gaming computers including the 10-series laptops or to order your own customized PC, call 1-877-674-4460 to speak with a sales representative. We offer 24/7 customer support and worldwide shipping options.