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The Latest Gaming PC News, Offers, Announcements, and More From ORIGIN PC!

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Ultimate Gaming Remains on the PC

February 4, 2019 | By Anthony

PC gaming in 4K has been available for a couple of years now and the ability to play in 4K continues to grow. PCs and the graphics cards inside of them become more powerful and better able to handle the 4K demands of today’s titles. As developers create richly detailed worlds that look more lifelike and firefights that feel as intense as they look, it’s worth reminding gamers that despite 4K being embraced by consoles, developers still prefer creating games for the PC platform.

A recently published PC Gamer article shows that over fifty percent of developers released their most recent title on PC and over sixty percent of them intend to release their next game on PC. PC was the most chosen platform when respondents were asked which platform interests them the most.

What does this mean for you? If you’re an avid gamer that wants to experience games in all of the graphical detail that the developer intended, a gaming PC with the right specs is still the best way to play your games and get the most out of them. Create your ORIGIN PC with your preferred components, colors, and laser etching so you’ll be ready for all of the upcoming titles developers will be releasing this year.

If you would like more information on a gaming PC including products such as gaming laptops, gaming desktops, or the best custom gaming desktop, call 1-877-674-4460 to speak with a sales representative. We offer 24/7 customer support and worldwide shipping options. Stay up to date with the latest news by checking us out and following us on Facebook and Twitter.

Millennium Gaming PC